Sunday, June 29, 2008

Maui Artists Showcase @ Akaku Production of ALL ABOUT PERSONAL BROADCASTING

Aloha Friends,

I was at last Friday's presentation at Akaku. Several people there expressed interest in my sharing knowledge about how to use online broadcast sites like Stickam, Mogulus, Ustream, etc. for personal and brand identity broadcasting on the Internet.

Therefore I am proposing the following:

That we schedule studio time to produce a segment of the Maui Artists Showcase: V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media Ink, A Visionary Artists Showcase and Networking Event in the studio with you as crew! Those who want to learn can also be the crew so we can produce a show with our combined knowledge (for the whole community) about marketing and broadcasting using Web 2.0 Tools.

So far these folks I know are interested:

David J
Cory R.
Lorayne L
Ari V
Jason S.
Peter R.

If there is anyone else you know interested in information about personal video (and audio) broadcasting and production on the web or as either crew, audience (in the studio) or anywhere in the world, please forward this to them.

Ask them to sign up on the Maui Artists Showcase mailing list: for people wanting to participate in interactive "living gallery" experiences. Participate in presenting your art and your heart is this community forum on the arts.

Sign up on the list and express your interest in the production and/or participating in the special MAS show on Personal Broadcasting in the Digital Age, and to keep informed about class and project progress and production schedule: (WHERE YOU ARE) is our new blog to support the production.

BTW, we can be not only record on tape at AKAKU but be broadcasting live using the very tools the production is about!

A hui Ho!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm in.
David J.