- Secure public venue(s)
- Design and produce first stage promotion and marketing materials, posters, counter cards, etc.
- Secure artists - projection materials, venue agreement(s)
- Write press release - pre show
- QUERY past players for NEXT participation
- Plant seeds to acquire new global participants via the net
- Refresh VMI Web Sites with artist materials, links, PR, announcements, graphics
- Promote event on the Web in calendar listings, news groups, other groups, mailing lists, etc.
- Promote event locally via paper and press releases
- Acquire sponsors, Local, National, International
- Identify and Seek Funding consisting of grants, foundations, etc. (Tithe 10% back to V.A.R.I.O.U.S., 10% to funding finder)
- Design and produce 2nd stage PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS for local gathering:
- Co-producers: Please lift anything (graphics and words) off the Creativity Cafe Maui Artists Showcase- VMI web sites to support your local PR efforts.
- Seek and recruit volunteers; local production team, PR folks, fund raising expert, secure local Venue MC-host and team,volunteer coordinator, PR person, etc.
- Arrange for local press coverage. Send release and photo (available at http://creativity.net/vmi/press/
- Cooperate with principal local public venue(s) & sponsor(s) for promotional consideration
- Test Venue for Internet Access, test Video Conference site (USTREAM) and other VMI Inter-activites at public venue
- Assist technology coordinators a participating venue to become familiar with our broadcast technology to participate in future shows at other venues
- Contact V.A.R.I.O.U.S. for particulars, i.e. boilerplate, agreement forms, releases, etc.
- Overcome technical challenges (A/V computer tech through local venue (Machine config) and network (if a school or library is venue) test, test, test
- Maintain and update VMI-MAS Web sites; pre-event, post event
- Write proposals for VMI to be part of suitable conferences and trade shows
- Write proposals for VMI to be considered for potential funding sources
- Write proposals for local (art) school participation (see separate basic requirements)
- Maintain Mailing List of opt-in blog (here)
- Communicate with past, present and future players, venue operators, press, sponsors, etc,
- Write thank you letters
- Acquire needed resources (video camera, audio input with mic for host and talent, etc.)
- Find and schedule local celebrity artists,etc, wtih global
- Answer email suggesting alliances for future expansion, collaborations
- Find time to earn a living and have a life beyond the project (grin) until it sustains staff
- Continue to meet with potential investors and partners interested in Creativity Cafe/physical
- Manage personal physical and emotional health challenges in light of the above being on one persons shoulders (at this point)
- Post production: video documentation: screen captures, photographic documentation, online documentation, etc.
- Publish to show page and increment number of broadcast (we are at #205 productions as of this writing)
- Revise MAS-VMI pages to point to post-project public documentation for ongoing enjoyment/edification
- Heal from production experience of one person wearing too many hats and operating with no budget or staff.
- Write assessment (for grants given)
- Write post event press release
- Do all again for next time out
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