Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Entrecard Pay Out Money will be Shared by Active Creative Cafe members. Tell us how do you want this done? - Creative Cafe

Aloha Jason and Marc,

Speaking of money (see below for specifics re the subject), Marc had
suggested brought to my attention an interesting film:

which basically speaks of the underpinnings of the use of Money on
Earth, how its failing and what to do about it - mirroring my
thoughts about how a Creativity Cafe would PAY its patrons for
Edutainment Programs and Experiences they collaborate on.

Interesting times call for out of the box thinking. Therefore If you
have a chance to read this book:

Meaning... the Secret to Being Alive by Cliff Havener (highly

Which speaks to societal changes now taking place, why they are
happening, and how a creative, out-of-the-box person is now poised
for profit. I hope it helps?

PS: Along these lines, I watched a wonderful documentary last night
on TV ( that speaks about the changes in our midst and how to
navigate trying times: The program
comes with videos and lesson plans:
, posted as fodder for educators and
edutainers. Good stuff all!

PPS: CREATIVE CAFE (not to be confused with Creativity Cafe; though I
do have a CCafe placeholder page up on Ning:
is suggesting an online money system for their members. I wonder what
you think about it? Is it something that could scale up and reach
those not online (through physical CCafe's?): http://

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