Tuesday, July 8, 2008


No questions asked. If you followed the links in the book's
contents, you might be reading this now.

THE BLACK AND WHITE speckled composition book was lost yesterday at
Queen Ka'ahumanu Center. It's more valuable to me, than the the
checks I was about to deposit! That might be why you haven't returned
it? What a sad commentary on some people's ethics. The book had the
inscription on the cover: "IF FOUND PLEASE RETURN" along with my name
and number.

One would think if a responsible person found it, they would call
immediately -- leading me to believe young kids figure into the mix?
Obviously they don't have the emotional maturity to know that someone
who kept such a scrapbook of their lives, would indeed miss it. It's
certainly of no value to them and the checks have all been stopped.
PEASE RETURN MY BOOK if you found it. My phone number is everywhere
on the promotional cards carried in its pages. They are copies of
the graphic designs I use to market my community service project:
V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media Ink; Visionary Artists Showcase and Networking
Event. Please call that number all over the Maui Artists Showcase
promo cards, and tell me where to pick up the notebook.

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