Ram Dass has been instrumental in my spiritual growth since my first
exposure to Be Here Now that fate filled day in Jamaica when Judy
Fachitti gave me his book just before I left with Joshua from
Jericho, a Rastafarian holy man and wood carver who loved to have
American Hippies visiting his mountain top retreat. That whole time
of my life was a peak experience leading to love, enlightment, new
friends, and losing old ones. The cycle seems to be repeating. Still
I feel the world is getting closer to realizing principles of PRONOIA
and soon nightclubs will change from solely serving Alcohol to
serving spirituality as well, if only in the denizen's acts of good
will toward the community and each other.
If you've been touched by Ram Dass, perhaps you'll take note and
action regarding the following?
In Service,
Peter Rosen
for Visionary Artists Resources Including Other Unique Services
(V.A.R.I.O.U.S. Media, 501c3)
progenitor of Creativity Cafe; a new school, broadcast-interactive
networking center and mechanism for breeding transformational
edutainment and social change.
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Love Serve Remember
A Nonprofit Foundation To Preserve and Continue
the Teachings of
Neemkaroli Baba and Ram Dass
May 1, 2009
Dear Friends,
Ram Dass is still here now, bridging oceans and generations with his
wisdom. Maharaji once said, "You can plan for 500 years but you don't
know what will happen the next moment." That was true when Ram Dass
had a major stroke a decade ago and it remains so today. A group of
us close to Ram Dass are coordinating efforts to support his
teachings, make them more available to the public, and create an
environment to sustain those teachings and writings in ways
appropriate to this time of his life. Now we need your support, too.
We have put together a new foundation called Love Serve Remember. It
will disseminate the spiritual teachings of Neem Karoli Baba and Ram
Dass. It will support Ram Dass' current online teaching (at and archive and digitize his lectures and writings
so they will be more widely available. LSR also sponsors residential
Ram Dass retreats in Hawaii, satsang gatherings, webcasts, and online
dialogs with other teachers to keep the spiritual channel open to Ram
Dass. For more information on the foundation, go to http://
Although Ram Dass's health no longer permits him to travel and
lecture, he still has the unique ability to bring his yoga of the
heart to issues of living a life of integrity, aging, and joyful
acceptance of each moment. Now we want to enable him to do what he
does best -- teaching individuals or small groups in person in a
quiet setting and online. This is the kind of teaching that we all
have come to appreciate. The bottom line (as it were) is that to do
it we need your help.
LSR has leased a house in Hawaii for its offices, archives, web site
and webcasts, where Ram Dass can conduct residential retreats and
have a space for his writing and teaching.
LSR organizes Ram Dass retreats with Krishna Das and others, satsang
gatherings, and his online webcasts. We have created a comfortable
guest space next to the house, where Ram Dass will supervise
individual retreats that will cover part of the rent. Seekers from
around the world can visit Ram Dass and enjoy the extraordinary peace
and tranquility of Maui.
Increasingly, as time goes on, most of Ram Dass's teaching will be
through the website, expanding the heart of cyberspace. Eventually,
we hope that contributions through the site will make Ram Dass's
public teaching self-sustaining. (Please visit and
enjoy its wealth of content.) We also hope to motivate thousands of
friends and devotees on My Space and Facebook, Obama-style, to join
the online satsang. But until that stream is flowing, we need your help.
Please consider giving a monthly pledge: We are looking for 108
people to give at least $108 a month and 1008 people to give at least
$18 a month. And everyone else to donate as generously as you can, so
we can all together make it possible for Ram Dass to continue the
teaching that taught so many of us to Be Here Now!
With deep love and appreciation,
Jack Kornfield
Dan and Tara Goleman
Sharon Salzberg
Krishna Das
and the
Board of Directors, Love Serve Remember Foundation:
Raghvindra Das Markus, President
Mirabai Bush, Treasurer
Rameshwar Das Lytton, Secretary/Vice-president
Gopal/ Paul Singer, Esq.
LSR has received its 501(c)(3) non-profit designation from the IRS
and contributions are tax deductible as allowed by law. Electronic
transfer information is available on request, and donations may also
be made by credit card at
Send checks to LSR Foundation, 23852 PCH # 762, Malibu, Ca 90265. For
more information,
Please feel free to post this letter on blogs and websites or forward
it to friends, satsang or groups who would like to hear news of Ram
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